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Law Enforcement
Enforcing Justice, Upholding Order: Law Enforcement Excellence
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Law Enforcement
The Legal professionals very well understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality of their client’s information. They handle a host of sensitive information on daily basis but data breaches often threaten the privacy of client’s sensitive information and even the Law firm’s reputation. Hence, Law firms cannot overlook the importance of Cyber Security if they truly wish to ensure privacy of their client’s personal data. Cyberential not only assists in taking the Law firms Cyber Security approach to the next level but also provides due support in conducting the Cyber related investigation for their clients.

Law Enforcement
The Legal professionals very well understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality of their client’s information. They handle a host of sensitive information on daily basis but data breaches often threaten the privacy of client’s sensitive information and even the Law firm’s reputation. Hence, Law firms cannot overlook the importance of Cyber Security if they truly wish to ensure privacy of their client’s personal data. Cyberential not only assists in taking the Law firms Cyber Security approach to the next level but also provides due support in conducting the Cyber related investigation for their clients.

How Cyberential can help:
Team Cyberential has been handling wide range of Cyber Crime Investigation cases and hence the expertise gained in the due course comes handy in assisting the law firms with their various investigation tasks. We follow the following process to assist law firms in conducting a cyber-related investigation:
➽ Assessment and Planning:
Our Cyber Investigation team firstly identifies the cyber incident (data breach, hacking, fraud, etc.) and then lists down the objectives of carrying out the investigation. It could be identifying the attacker, recovering stolen data or assessing the damage caused due to the cyber-crime.
➽ Task Allocation to team
The task at hand defines the team structure. We form a multidisciplinary team that includes legal experts, cyber security professionals, digital forensics experts, and possibly law enforcement to work on the given project.
➽ Data Collection and Analysis
The team investigates the matter and goes on collecting the digital evidence which may include logs, network traffic, system snapshots, and communication records. The collected evidence is then analysed using the digital forensics tools and techniques. The evidence analysis helps in reconstructing the events, tracing the origin of attacks, and identifying the patterns for further course of investigation.
➽ Prompt Action
The damage can be minimized by ensuring immediate action. Our team takes the desired steps to mitigate damage and prevent further unauthorized access. And while doing so, we keep you informed about progress and impact of the investigation.
➽ Forensic Analysis
If malware is involved, we analyse its behaviour, code, and distribution methods. Then the team develops a timeline of events leading up to and following the incident.
➽ Identification and Attribution
Based upon analysis, the Cyber-attack is attributed to a specific individual, group, or entity. Then Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is used to collect publicly available information for gathering insights about potential threat actors.
➽ Comprehensive Reporting
All the details about the investigation process, findings and conclusion are then compiled into a report.
➽ Prevention and Remediation
Even after reporting, the process is not over from our side. We take desired measures to identify the vulnerabilities and recommend steps to prevent similar incidents in the future. Our expert cyber security team implements necessary security measures to safeguard the client from future cyber-attacks

➽ Forensic Analysis
If malware is involved, we analyse its behaviour, code, and distribution methods. Then the team develops a timeline of events leading up to and following the incident.
➽ Identification and Attribution
Based upon analysis, the Cyber-attack is attributed to a specific individual, group, or entity. Then Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is used to collect publicly available information for gathering insights about potential threat actors.
➽ Comprehensive Reporting
All the details about the investigation process, findings and conclusion are then compiled into a report.
➽ Prevention and Remediation
Even after reporting, the process is not over from our side. We take desired measures to identify the vulnerabilities and recommend steps to prevent similar incidents in the future. Our expert cyber security team implements necessary security measures to safeguard the client from future cyber-attacks

Embrace a Secure Future with Cyberential
Cyber investigations are complex and highly vary for different cases. Hence, collaborating with Cyberential’s professional team can ensure that you tread the right path and ultimately win at locating the cause of cyber-attack as well as take due measures to prevent it in future.
Embrace a Secure Future with Cyberential
Cyber investigations are complex and highly vary for different cases. Hence, collaborating with Cyberential’s professional team can ensure that you tread the right path and ultimately win at locating the cause of cyber-attack as well as take due measures to prevent it in future.

Our approach to cyber security is unique. We have grown to strength solely based on being highly skilled, research-focused, and community-oriented.
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